The next Fireside Meeting (informal brief introductory talks, with readings and prayers) will be held once a month on Tuesday evening, 7:00pm to 8:30pm at 234 Walnut Boulevard, Rochester, Michigan 48307 USA.
Meet and visit with us in a casual setting. Learn more about the Teachings of Baha'u'llah and share our devotional spirit of love, fellowship, and joy. Readings are from the Bahai Writings, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Confucianism, and other world religions. Email to confirm, via Contact. Map. Flyer. No ritual or solicitation of funds. Light refreshments. Members of all faiths are welcome to join us in discussion, meditation, and prayer.
Ecumenical Prayer Meeting, Tuesday, March 27, 2012, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
The Reform Bahai Faith will hold a brief five to ten-minute introductory talk, followed by an ecumenical prayer meeting on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm, in downtown Rochester at the
American Legion Hall,
234 Walnut Boulevard,
Rochester, MI 48307
(corner of 3rd Street and Walnut Boulevard, one block east of Main Street)
People of all persuasions and religions are invited to attend. Feel free to bring a prayer or religious reading from your own faith or tradition to share. If one desires suggestions for reading, The Global Testament of Faith, available online on the Reform Bahai website, has many interfaith readings one might also choose from and which convey the spirit of the occasion:
All are welcome! We'd love to meet and pray with you!
Troy Interfaith Group – March 5, 2012 Introduction to the Reform Bahai Faith, 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Many of you know that members of the Reform Bahai Faith in Michigan have been participating for a few years in the monthly meetings of the local Troy Interfaith Group, at Christian Protestant and Catholic Churches, Mosques, Gurdwara, Hindu Temple, and Unitarian Universalist Churches, among others.
Frederick Glaysher, a member of the Reform Bahai Faith in Rochester, Michigan, will be the featured speaker on the Reform Bahai Faith at the Troy Interfaith Group on March 5, 2012, 7:00 to 8:30 PM, held at
Northminster Presbyterian Church
3633 W. Big Beaver Road
Troy Michigan 48084
Mr. Glaysher has been a member of the Reform Bahai Faith since 1976 and is the editor of The Universal Principles of the Reform Bahai Faith, available through the Reform Bahai Press and other online book sellers. He holds two degrees from the University of Michigan, with course work in religious studies and has taught world religions at the college level. His personal website and info may be found at
Mark your calendar! Hope you can make it!
Click Here to Watch the Talk Presented to the Troy Interfaith Group on YouTube
Fireside - October 9th, 2011, Sunday morning, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. Email to confirm, via Contact. Map. Flyer. All are welcome!
Fireside - February 27, 2011, Sunday morning, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. Hope you can make it!
Fireside - September 19, 2010, Sunday morning, 10:30 am to 12:00 noon. See you there! The next Fireside will be May 16, 2010, Sunday, 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon.
The next Fireside will be on Sunday, January 31, 2010; 10:30 am to 12:00 noon . Hope you can make it!
The October 30, 2009, Fireside included the Confucian Analects.
The September 25, 2009, Fireside included a reading of Chapter XI of The Bhagavad-Gita and Bahai prayers.
The August 28, 2009, Fireside Meeting was held in Rochester, Michigan. After an historical outline, discussion centered on Jenabe Fazel's "Elements of Universal Religion."
The July 26th, 2009, Meeting was held at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London, in the United Kingdom. Approximately 40 to 50 people attended at various times. There were a lot of very good conversations held, with much interest, from some very thoughtful and inquisitive seekers from all over the world and the UK. See photos at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London, UK.
The June 12, 2009, Fireside tended toward discussion of an outline of Bahai history and Some Vital Bahai Principles. Discussion went so well we lost track of time and forgot to read the selections prepared from the Gospel of Luke, but will save them for a future fireside! The July Fireside Meeting will be held in the United Kingdom.
The May 29, 2009, Fireside Meeting included readings from the Upanishads, from the Indian Vedas, perhaps the oldest known religious text. It has been dated by some scholars to before 2,000 BCE.
The May 15, 2009, Fireside Meeting included readings from the Dhammapada, a classic of Buddhist scripture from about 70 BCE.
The Reform Bahai Faith held a public Fireside Meeting in the old First Congregational Church, which goes back to the 1850s, in downtown Rochester on May 1, 2009. The Fireside included an introductory talk on the oneness of God, all the Manifestations or prophets, and the unity of humankind, closing with readings from the Bahai Writings and prayers, and a Lakota Indian prayer to Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery or Spirit.
“The foundation underlying all the Divine precepts is that One Reality. It must needs be Reality, and Reality is One, not multiple. Therefore the foundation of the Divine Religions is one. But we can see that certain forms have come in, certain imitations of forms and ceremonials have crept in. They are heretical, they are accidental , because they differ; hence they cause differences among religions. But if we set aside these imitations and seek the Reality of the Foundation we shall all agree, because religion is One and not multiple.” —Abdul-Baha